Kafka's Natal Chart 2. part



Going back to Venus-binah here we find the name Dalila, the woman who caused the ruin of Samson (a judge) and therefore a very perturbing female archetype to which is added, among other things, also the term race, an aspect that certainly had a weight for Kafka especially in his relationship with Milena Jesenska who was not Jewish. Another severe archetype is the word Boaz both as the left column of the temple of Solomon and as a biblical character (again a judge). The biblical characters, their names and stories are to be understood as metaphors that resonate with the constellation of each person's birth chart. The rigorous valence of Venus-binah is enhanced on the sephira below Mars-ghevura (also on the left side) soaring in 10. house where we find the term Dan (one of the 12 tribes of Israel, that of the judges) next to the magnificent term "wrapping light". Those who know Kafka will have already recognized some of the recurring themes in all his literary-life work. The question of judgment is already evident in titles such as The Trial and The Condemnation, (see also the 1st part of this post). Who was the judge? Kafka with himself? Or in the 10th house we could catch a glimpse of the bulky father figure whose unresolved theme has however contributed in a decisive way even if twisted and suffered, "kafkaesque" in short, to the success of his works. It is impossible not to mention the letter to his father, who obviously would not have written that way if his father had been different. Moving on to the right side of the tree on the aforementioned Mercury-chokmah we also find the word Golem, on which one could write pages and pages and which certainly belongs indissolubly to the Prague-Kafkaesque imagination.


Moving on to the right side of the tree of life, that of grace, on chesed-moon (still in house 11.) we find the term virgin that says a lot about the feminine ideal of Mr. K. who, according to all biographers, feared the physicality of sexual intercourse. Wanting to rise to a higher level, the term waves recalls the sea and Kafka's last and perhaps happiest sentimental experience was with Dora Diamant whom he met during a stay on the shores of the North Sea in 1923 (she worked as a cook in a children's colony). The other more complex and inspired term, always present on the Moon, is Beit-El, the name of the place where Jacob had the vision of the ladder with the angels going up and down. To those who love Cabalà and Kafka I leave the pleasure of finding a connection with the writer's life and work. For the Cancer Kafka the moon like his mother (see picture) played for sure a big role like the whole challenging maternal line: the maternal grandmother named Esther died of typhus at the age of 29, her mother, then Kafka's great-grandmother, committed suicide. Another beloved mother was Prague, (the mammy with claws) from whom he tried in vain to escape .